Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Messy Mishaps and Creative Conclusions

Just a simple bathroom break, right? Nope... not with chidren...

Approaching the bathroom, I noticed my bathmat and rugs were piled on the floor in the doorway. Weird... Stepping over the pile, I saw a large puddle of water in front of the bathroom sink. Not a big deal. Someone spilled water... Wait... Did the toilet overflow? Is that why the rugs are all outside the bathroom? Carefully avoiding the puddle, I moved further into the bathroom and looked at the puddle again. With my angle came a new realization. The puddle was yellow. Yellow!!! You have got to be kidding me!!! Hannah peed her pants?... again?!... or was it the dog?!!

Already exhausted from the day's work, I just stood there staring at the mess for a moment. As I stood, defeated, I thought about how there is always more work to be done. I thought about all the messes I clean up every day... messes that add to my work... messes that make me sigh in frustration as I roll up my sleeves to take care of yet another task when I was so close to being able to just sit down and relax.

Well... better clean it up... Conveniently, there was a large bath towel on the floor beside the puddle. Moving it toward the mess with my foot, I noticed that this was not urine as I had assumed, but a large puddle of hand soap! Praise God! I quickly cupped my hands and used them to scoop water onto the floor four or five times, then I used the soap and water and the dirty towel to scrub my floor. Now, thanks to someone's mishap, I have a very clean, very shiny bathroom floor!

As we go through life, it is so easy to jump to conclusions about people and situations, and I have found that I am more likely to jump to conclusions when it comes to my family and less likely to ask for the truth about a situation. The verse, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32), comes to mind here. Finding the truth behind everything, just simply asking, is so important! It will divert arguments, stall frustration, and build trust. Next time you walk upon a situation that looks bad, do not jump to a conclusion and then fume over it like I did. Instead, ask God for His help, ask those involved for their explanation, and ask yourself if your relationship is worth a squabble over a misunderstanding.

Until Next Time,

Nishoni Harvey
Author of "The Fanatics"

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