Monday, June 11, 2018

Calling In Sick

I am so sick today! I have the stomach bug my 9-year-old had. Stupid sickness. Stupid me! Why wasn't I more understanding of her when she had this? She wasn't really complaining all that much, probably because of the way her Autism affects her. She didn't have a fever. I didn't know it was so bad!

I'm wishing now I hadn't made her do school work. I'm wishing now I didn't have to work. Most people just call into work. Most people have that privilege ability, but not me. No, I have to work regardless.

I still have to wash dishes. I still have to fold laundry. I still have to cook and clean. I still have to kiss imaginary boo-boos (which is a great privilege by the way). I still have to work. Why? Because I'm Mom. Moms don't have the privilege, um, ability to call in sick. No, we have to stick it out and be Mom. Dad gets to be sick. Why can't we?

The blessing of being Mom comes with many privileges... and many not so privileges. Do we find ourselves complaining about our blessings to be Mom instead of just thanking God for the opportunity we have to touch the lives of our lovely children? Be thankful regardless. Thank God you have the chance to be a mom. Thank God for that responsibility. Thank God you don't have that ability to call in sick. After all, if you did, it may mean you wouldn't be a mom today!

"In everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you."
I Thessalonians 5:18

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