"The Fanatics", by Nishoni L. Harvey, is a 100 page book based in future America, where it is illegal to be a Christian. It chronicles the struggles of a police officer who has converted, to reach his family for Christ. In the meantime, his sister is in a race against time, as she knows he is injured, and against the law, as she tries to find him before the determined search party does. She runs into a "ghost" from her past and has to come face to face with the truth of what really happened to her family and why. It is a very high action tale with a surprise ending that will leave you reeling and wanting more.
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After walking back inside the building, he finally found himself alone. Now he could think about what he had to do next. This was no easy thing. Thoughts whirled around inside his mind like a tornado had been let loose in his brain. This assignment would not be as easy as just tracking down any other Fanatic. This would be different, but what else could he do? He had to detach himself from his feelings. Somehow he had to forget the impossible and focus on the job at hand. Yes, he was angry about the occurrence. Very angry, but Jon was… He couldn’t let anyone else know how he felt. He had to hide it… to masquerade… his re-election hinged on him being strong. If he faltered in this, he knew any chance of him being re-elected in two months was out the window. He had to figure this out, to focus.
“Why didn’t you do something?” The voice came from the front row of metal fold-up chairs in the room where the meeting had just taken place. He knew that voice. It was his granddaughter, Kellie.
“What are you talking about, Dear?” He asked.
“You know what I am talking about, Grandpa. Why didn’t you stop them from trying to hurt Jon? You are the Police Chief. You could have stopped them. Instead, you encouraged it. You encouraged a hunting party for tomorrow… for him to be hunted down, like a common… animal.”
“He’s one of them, Kellie. He’s a Fanatic. You know the law. It’s my job to uphold the law.”
“But he’s your grandson!” she yelled in frustration. “He’s my only brother! You could have stopped it!”
Bob tightened his jaw. “He’s no relation of mine. I refuse to be known as the grandfather of a defector. I am American—born and bred. And if you know what’s good for you, you will disown him too. He’s nothing but trouble now that he is one of them.”
Kellie defiantly stood to her full height of five foot 4½ inches. “He is my brother, the only person in my family I have left besides you,” she spat out. “I am not going to give up on him… not this easy.”
“Kellie, after you join them, there is no turning back! It’s a life of exile or imprisonment! You choose to be loyal either to your brother or your country. Jon is a fugitive now. Do what’s right!” Bob was trying to talk some sense into the beautiful blond haired, blue-eyed girl, but he knew that she was going to be stubborn, just like always.
“I am doing what is right,” she said defiantly, “with or without your help,” then she spun on her heel and marched away from her grandfather… probably forever...
"I loved 'The Fanatics'! I believe it's a very realistic account of what we may face before the Rapture." --Jen Sizemore
"I loved your book! What a surprise it was to learn about the family! Loved how you presented the Gospel, so clearly, as part of the story line! This could be, one day, a very true story!" --Pam Malensek
"I normally don't sit down and read books very much, but when I sat down with your book, I couldn't put it down! I read through the whole book in one night, because I just couldn't stop reading!" --Molly Burkhart
"You MUST write another book and make this a series! That series would be better that the 'Left Behind' series!" --Faye Neumann
"Excellent book! Very well written. After reading the first few pages, I was hooked! I couldn't put it down." --Faith Lee
I started reading the book "the fanatics" and I couldn't put it down...before I knew it I read the whole thing...I love the book, Not saying this because she is my daughter, but I do not read books, have had a hard time keeping my interest, but this book kept me wanting to go on to the next page. This is only the 2nd book I have ever read in my life. GREAT BOOK... must read :)