“Why do birds fly? Why is the moon so little? Why is the sun bright?” So inquisitive!
I’ve put three others through their “fivedoms” already, but I’m always worried I’m going to screw something up. I mean, you can mess a kid up for life, right? If there’s one thing my four have taught me, that’s that there’s only one wrong way to parent, and we’ll get to that in a minute. So how do you do it right?
Be Real
Everyone is different. Just be you. There’s no one way everyone has to follow. Everyone’s style is different. I’ll never understand those people who look down their noses at other mothers who don’t do it the cookie-cutter way. Just be real and forget them.
Be Flexible
Be Loving
This is that one place I was talking to you about—that one place you can really mess up. That one place you can go wrong. Loving your children is not giving them everything they want. In fact, sometimes, it’s withholding it. Loving your little tyke is being there for him every step of the way. I don’t mean physically. Sometimes that’s not possible. We have to work—to provide. Loving your child is being there for them emotionally… and physically when you can. Loving him is accepting who he is yet limiting his behavior. Loving him is teaching him that even though life may not always go the way we want it, you will always be there when he needs you. That’s love. That’s how you parent.
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