Saturday, September 29, 2018

DON'T Fold MY Laundry!!

Children!! I hear them in the other room, "I don't WANT help! Leave me alone!"

Sierra and Hannah hate getting help from their sister. I guess they think they'll owe them or something? I don't know... I guess I've never really sat them down and asked them. Maybe I should? Older ladies, now's the time to chime in :).

Sierra doesn't like anyone else to fold her clothes... except Mommy, of course. In fact, she kind of expects Mommy to fold her clothes, so she leaves them until I get sick of them and either do them for her or sit on top of her until they're done (a recent development--are you proud of me?). I believe she just likes them folded a particular way and hates to have anyone else fold them.

I don't blame her, though. I don't like anyone to fold my laundry either. If anyone does, I unfold it in secret and fold it back my way before I put it away. Horrible, right? I am getting better with it, though. I will sometimes allow Matt to fold his own clothes now, although I do sometimes sneak in and refold his shirts while he's at work (shhh!!). My excuse? They just fit in the drawer so much better when they're folded right!

Do you have areas you don't want help in? Maybe you feel self-conscious... or like you'll owe the person afterward? Maybe you feel like you should be helping them instead. Maybe they feel the same way. Maybe you are breaking their heart or their spirit, or maybe you are stealing their joy by not allowing them the privilege to serve another.

Do you still live at home? Are you out of the home, but unmarried still? Have you married already? Are you old enough to have grown children? It doesn't matter what stage you're in. You are still commanded to honor your parents. What's the best way to do this--by accepting their help should it be offered. By turning down their help, you are stealing their blessing. It is such a blessing to your parents to be able to help and provide for you!

Do you allow your husband to help? That is what he is there for! It brings him pride to provide for you, and this includes providing you the help you need. If you turn down his help, you are breaking his pride, and he will soon give up on trying to help at all.

What about that help from God? Do you push Him away? Do you accept help from Him? Do you ask? God says He wants you to even ask for that help! "ASK and it shall be given unto you..."!

God wants to help you, whether you want the help or not. He knows your needs before you do. He knows what you WANT before you do. He knows the deepest desires of your heart before they are even revealed to you! Are you going to let Him help you in the good times and in the bad? So many times we ask for help only in the bad times and forget about Him completely in the good times, but He wants to help you then too. He wants to help you stay on the straight and narrow, help you keep in those good times, and help you prepare for the bad times ahead.

Then there are those of us who get mad at God and do not even want His help in the bad times. We get bitter and carry that bitterness with us as it carries us to the deepest and darkest places. If we reach this sort of bitterness, it grows in us like a cancer, and even in the good times, the bitterness continues to grow. The only way out is to ask God for help out of this hole of no hope. Ask for His help, accept His help, and don't push him away!

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